I drove my (going-to-be) MyVi, with Ayah again beside me. As usual, I got free lecture, cause I drove recklessly, especially each time at any corner. He told me to hold the steering toughly each time to turn whether right or left. No wonder my instructor used to call me tauhu (tofu) and Mama called me sotong (squid) cause they said my hands are very weak and I'm unable to do hard work. (This fine fingers belong to art work, not labour work - that's the excuse I always give). But wait, I can do gardening, sawing, cutting paper (until I separated my tendon huh?). Plus, I can't estimate relevant target between left and right, is it something wrong with my eyes? With glasses, I see many straight things are like curve.. and if I take it off, I could see ghost! (O.o)"
They're all lame excuses. The reason should be I seldom (less than 5 times after I got my P since 2008) drive, that's why my driving skills beyond 0 (lame joke), I'm getting my CDL this October, but my real license is under Ayah's control. He never forbids me to drive, but I'm one whom lack of confidence and skill, and even my P stickers became as my bookmark. The troublesome one is me. Call me MENDOKUSE (means 'what a drag') if you wish.
Just imagine Sakura is Ayah, and Naruto is me. That's how Ayah so mad at me. Ha3
(truth: I'm a Javanese descendant whom can't speak the language).
First place we stopped by was catfish stall. Believe it or not, the stall keeper caught the fish bare handed alive! :o
Then, a young lady (about 25) helped her to clean the fishes. It's WOW! Catfish OKAY! (truth: I only know how to clean prawn and squid perfectly, not fish or chicken, and not even meat! All crushed!)
Beef! >.<
Mushroom! Is that how they grow??? :o
I talked as if I was really an ALIEN who just landed on earth. As I walked alone to see what's up further, a stall keeper called me "Cikgu, mari mari~ Daging murah" I was, eehh??? how did he guess I'm a teacher??? I was just wearing a khaki shirt and brown cargo pants with a black hijab lid! It's usual if people called me that in Kuala Lipis, but not in Batu Pahat! Unless, I was wearing baju kurung with shining ditch black name tag, that wouldn't be a wonder. (If he wondered by my look, I'd rather say HEY, I'M AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST!) *evil laugh*
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