Sunday, August 28, 2011

2nd phase ended.

Friday, August 26th: The last day for 2nd phase practicum in SK Kechor Tui (SKKT), Padang Tengku. Well, lot of things I learned from this school. As it worth for couple months, this practicum made me grew up more - how to mix better with community, how to handle and attract kids in lesson, etc. I'll continue being a student back at campus until this November. I already miss all these things in SKKT:

The kids playing outside the class during recess. 
Singing "Satu dua tiga.." (etc) moving like a train. So cute~ c:

The moment I was 'bullied' by the male teachers, 
they ordered me to prepare pais ikan patin tempoyak
They did that since I was known as a Johorean who doesn't eat tempoyak
But it's a fun experience honestly.

Weekly routine - painting a mural.

 Actually we're not satisfied enough. Need a week more for better colour.
(p/s: the illustration is not made by us, we just recoloured the whole fading wall.)

The last lesson, with Standard 4 - outdoor painting & origami activity.
And the last observation as well.
You made me proud, kids ^___^
Standard 2 - truly kiddies. Even when I taught English, they wanted me to teach Art.

Gonna miss being a mentor (after school period daily) for this shorty, Rafiq.
A Standard 6 kid whom is as tall as Standard 2 =P

Thanks kids. For the Hari Raya cards, rose, chocolate and presents. 
One of 'em gave me duit raya as well.
A pink shawl from Rafiq, but he totally refused to admit it's from him. 
He ordered his Standard 3 sister to give it to me.
Ha3 you've grown up, boy.


Admin said...

cun ko ny mural..
ak kne wt mural gak yunk
tp ta tw la jdik mende..
len kali kne join dak psv prktkum, hehe~

1. Saat benar kamu ingin pergi
2. Kisah cinta Lia

Unknown said...

terima kasih. sem dpn aku hrp dpt partner bm, bole bimbing aku buat rph. :)