Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Not So Dead Blog and Person

It's not been A WHILE, but been ages, I know, NO UPDATE. 
By the way, my life is getting busy, since I am a working lady now. :p
So, just let me update about some important things in my life.

After half decade of college life, I graduated on 28th May 2013.
As I ever talked in my old and previous post (did I?), I am left brain person. 
My major of study was Visual Art Education.
I've just mentioned about work and education. So guess what I am working as now?

 I work as a cat hunter.
LOL. Obviously NO.

An educator, a teacher - or a monstrous rebellious teacher.
It's sweet and kind teacher (if you believe so) and I'm teaching Art classes mostly.
The image above is for illustrative purposes only -  I'm not teaching Islamic subject. 
Being a Muslim means you know the method to teach the kids how to perform prayer correctly.

At the same time, I'm trying to be an active amateur artist. After leaving college, I've joined art exhibitions twice, under Artgeng group.  

Recent exhibition held in Bastion House, A Famosa Malacca.

What else? I'm sleepy~